Container shipping rates to Taichung
Scheduled arrivals to the port of Taichung
Vessel name | Voyage Number | Nationality | Arrival date (estimated) |
MAYSSAN | 0MX6EE1PL | 19 Jun/2023 | |
MAYSSAN | 0MX6EE1PL | 26 Jun/2023 | |
MAYSSAN | 0MX6EE1PL | 03 Jul/2023 |
There are not recent departures from the port of Taichung at the moment.
Estimated transit time to send a container to Taichung
Continent of origin | Country of origin | Port of origin | Port of destination | Transit time (days) | 20DV FCL |
America | United States | Cleveland, Oh | Taichung | 48 | 2,053$ |
America | United States | Detroit | Taichung | 48 | 2,173$ |
America | United States | Tacoma | Taichung | 48 | 1,265$ |
America | United States | New Orleans | Taichung | 16 | 2,934$ |
America | United States | St Louis | Taichung | 16 | 2,524$ |
America | United States | Oakland | Taichung | 15 | 928$ |
The longest transit time to ship a container to Taichung is the route Cleveland, Oh - Taichung, with an average of 48 days. The next longest routes are Detroit - Taichung, with an average of 48 days and Tacoma - Taichung, with an average of 48 days.
The shortest transit time to ship a container to Taichung is the route Oakland - Taichung, with an average of 15 days. The next shortest routes are New Orleans - Taichung, with an average of 16 days; and St Louis - Taichung, with an average of 16 days.
At iContainers, you can find 162 routes for sending containers to Taichung. Here are the top 5 routes:
Origin | Destination |